Asda's new bespoke online Wine Shop will allow it to broaden the number of producers it works with and introduce new, younger winemakers to the UK, according to head buyer Philippa Carr MW.
She was speaking today at the launch of Asda's first dedicated online wine offer which will initially offer a range of 500 wines, which will grow to around 800 by the middle of next year. The range includes 200 new wines sourced by Carr and her team.
Carr said she was excited about the opportunities that have opened up by bringing wines online. It is also helping the Asda wine time connect and talk more with their customers about what sort of wine offer they are looking for.
She said: "Engaging with people online is a big opportunity. It enables us to tell the story of each of our wines and our range. We can better explain our products to our customers and it also allows our customers to post reviews and have a conversation with us. Online people tend to have more tribal behaviour and look to see what their peers are doing. Wine is about experimentation and discovery."
The launch of the website, which goes live on October 28, will provide a great opportunity for Carr to bring new, young and undiscovered winemakers into the Asda range, like the two young Portuguese winemakers behind its new Conde de Vimioso 2011 and Fosil 2012 wines.
It is something she feels very passionate about."They are going to the be the future of wine," she said.
The website can be visited at