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Weekly index for first growth claret

Published:  23 January, 2009

Liv-ex - the fine wine exchange - is launching what it describes as the world's first weekly fine wine price index.

Liv-ex - the fine wine exchange - is launching what it describes as the world's first weekly fine wine price index.

The Liv-ex Claret Chip Index will provide traders, merchants, collectors and investors with a price benchmark for 31 first growth wines from Bordeaux every Monday morning.

Director James Miles said: "We are often asked where we think the Liv-ex 100 Fine Wine Index will be at the end of each month, so we decided to publish our Liv-ex Claret Chip Index on a weekly basis.

"The 31 wines account for 57% of the Liv-ex 100 Fine Wine Index by weighting, so it provides a strong guide to future performance."
