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The Sunday Times

Published:  23 July, 2008

JOANNA SIMON admits that a supermarket buyer once approached her and begged her to promote Riesling in her wine columns. I'm not here to help supermarkets or anyone else sell their wines, but I would like to see people drink more Riesling. In blind tastings, Riesling always comes out well, but when people know what they are drinking, it is blighted by its own image: Riesling is still viewed as unsophisticated, sweet, insipid.' She recommends 2003 Great Southern Riesling (4.19 until 10 May; Tesco); 2003 Jacob's Creek Reserve Riesling (7.97; selected Asda from 7 May); and 2003 Urziger Wrzgarten Riesling Alte Reben Trocken , Rebenhof (14.99; The Winery, Liberty Wines).
