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My View: Climate change is happening

Published:  18 January, 2007

It is clear to me that climate change is already happening, and changes are coming much faster than any of us anticipated. Winemakers must embrace change and be leaders in instigating that change if our industry is to continue in a sustainable way.

In the last decade, we have experienced six of the hottest years since the 1800s. If this trend continues, in 40 or 50 years time many of our traditional varieties may no longer reach the standard of quality in the regions in which they are currently cultivated.

Many changes we are making at Torres are simple and common sense: harvesting and storing rainwater in our more mountainous vineyards; using covercrops in the vineyards; and investing in solar and photovoltaic panels to provide energy for our winery.

But some changes are more experimental, such as trying to capture and recycle the CO2 from the fermentation in our wineries, or using helicopters to spray our vineyards instead of a fleet of tractors.

Torres is also investing over 5million over the next decade in reforestation projects throughout Spain and in sponsoring projects aimed at reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

However, we will not be able to go forward alone. Only by acting together, and with the help of local and international regulation, will we be able to put in place those things that will help us be more proactive against this very real threat to our activity.

Miguel Torres Snr is the owner of Torres wineries
