Southern Australian Barossa grape growers are to pay a levy of Aus$6 (2.52) to the Barossa Grape and Wine Association (BGWA), which is to be launched this September.
Wineries will also help fund the body, contributing $5 (2.10) per ton or $48,000 (21,183) annually.
Some 180 growers were told of the plans at a public meeting held jointly by the BGWA and Wine Grape Growers' Australia (WGGA) organisation.
It was also announced that the Federal government would take an additional $1 (42p) per ton.
The BGWA is intended to give the region's industry a unified voice and a single medium for getting information.
Guest speakers at the meeting talked about prospects during the next five years and setting up a code of practice.
Other areas covered included grape prices, winery promotions, the impact of climate change, water supply, stock levels and harvest quality.
Both the BGWA and WGGA are intending to generate a regional grape growers' database.