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Looking Back, Forging Ahead Q&A: Fergal Tynan, Alliance Wine

Published:  02 January, 2025

Next up in our end of year talking heads is Fergal Tynan, MD, Alliance Wine, who reflects on some 2024 highs and lows, while identifying some positive signs ahead.

What have you put in place to maximise Christmas trading and what are the early indications so far?

As ever it’s a case of staying close to your customers to see what they need and to make sure you’re front of mind. Overall, though, things are holding up remarkably well given the mood music in the run up.

What, for you, were the specific highs of 2024?

A meeting with Christian Honorez and Matt Wilkin of H2Vin. We were looking to really raise our game in France, and they were looking for help to keep growing. The more we spoke, the more we found we had in common, in the end it seemed an obvious move for all of us – one of those lucky encounters.

And the lows?

The decision to go ahead will the Duty reform – unnecessarily complicated schemes seem to be the order of the day.

How have the specific challenges of this year contributed to wider drinks trends?

Duty will be a significant factor pushing for lower alcohol in entry level wines. To an extent there is more interest in lower alcohol wines in general but it’s not yet clear just how significant this will be. Given the high costs of wine now in this market, quality will still be the main determinant of success. Classics are certainly outperforming esoterics just now, which is probably a turnaround on the previous long-term trend but the UK market. Value is probably likely to be an even bigger consideration next year at all levels.

With the easement likely to end in February, how are you looking to mitigate the impact of rising duty on business?

Its tempting to focus on the headwinds and there are many just now (duty, EPR, DRS, tariffs and global trade wars, the national insurance increase, etc) but really what we need to talk about more are the positives, this is a great business that brings joy to many all year round, something that’s worth celebrating more than we do.

As a business, what positives are you looking forward to in 2025?

We’ll ride out this particularly challenging episode in the trade by continuing to offer something that people want, by adapting to these challenges. So, I’m especially looking forward to our shared Alliance/H2Vin portfolio tastings in March which will be the first opportunity we have to show the breadth and depth of the new portfolio.

Quick fire questions:

Ultimate turkey pairing wine?

I really enjoy top Loire Chenin (such as Baumard Savennieres, ideally the Trie Speciale) with Turkey instead of the more classic white Burgundy

I have enjoyed a few great red Sancerres (Crochet) with Christmas dinner here for the last few years but this year I think I’ll go with something from the northern Rhone, albeit on the fresher, purer side, so maybe Maxine Graillot Crozes Hermitage for some of the same bright fresh fruit but some extra spice.

Ultimate turkey of the wine world?

I taste relatively few really poor wines these days and I try to forget them quickly.

Most overrated spirit?

Not overrated per se, but the Scotch whiskies I used to enjoy drinking are now out of my price range.

Most underrated spirit?


Chardonnay or Riesling?

Yes please, although rarely in that order.

Port or sherry?

I think everyone close to me knows I’ m a sherry freak but recently I’ve been discovering Old Maury which has been a revelation.

R(h)um or Tequila?

Rum (my experience with Tequila started and finished at university, so I’m probably being harsh!).

If you were type of drink what would you be and why?

Mountain wine, maybe from the Roussillon. I’ve always enjoyed wines with an extra raw energy, something a little wild, they remind me of the best days in this business, spent in beautiful dramatic places enjoying great food and wine in good company.
