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Five minutes with Eric Zwiebel MS, The Samling

Published:  02 May, 2023

Following his recent move to The Samling Hotel in the Lake District, Eric Zwiebel, director of wine at The Samling talks us through his plans for the cellar.

It’s heaven here, a beautiful place, just 12 bedrooms, two restaurants, it’s quite special. There’s a simpler, traditional gastro-experience, The Gathering, and then the fine-dining Samling restaurant. It’s a good move for me. I don’t mind being on the floor, but I also wanted a change, to use my expertise and do something a little different.

I have a bit of an issue with the size of the cellar – we want to grow it. We have 1,200 wines right now, and in the future it will be something like 2,500. It’s a good list, with some very special wines, so the idea is not to destroy it, but little by little to add and show not just by variety and appellation or region, but for me to taste everything and have it rooted in terroir.

I want a very balanced list, also reflecting where people travel, and what they want to taste. So if you want some Greek wine, this will be possible, if you want some Cypriot wines… and I’m from Alsace, so there obviously isn’t enough Alsace wine on the list!

Quality comes first. If the quality isn’t there, then forget it. This will also be an opportunity to have older vintages. And I’m going to develop more pairing options with the menus; an entry-level wine, a higher pairing and a top-level option, so there is more choice.

It’s not just about having a big wine list, it’s about balance, having that choice and also finding [wines] from smaller areas and producers.
