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Neumann launches 'bite-sized' blind tasting course

Published:  05 April, 2023

Stefan Neumann MS, consultant and former director of wine at the Michelin-starred Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, has launched an online tasting course.

Aimed at professionals who want to improve their ability to taste and judge wines blind, it is jam-packed with useful content.

Once students have enrolled on the programme, they can access over 50 videos and a large volume of supporting written materials and pictures.

Neumann's delivery and style is both friendly and informative, benefiting from his extensive experience in the world of hospitality.

The course involves nine distinct modules, which will take approximately three hours to complete.

“Ever since the second lockdown, I wanted to create an extensive course on blind tasting and I have been filming on and off ever since,” said Neumann MS.

“My goal is to help my fellow wine professionals with an online study tool that is both educational and fun.”

The online programme can be accessed here: Blind Wine Tasting with Master Sommelier Stefan Neumann