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Severe drought and extreme heat pose a new threat to wine production

Published:  01 November, 2022

In 2022, global wine production volume is expected to be at a level similar to the one observed last year, despite higher average temperatures across the world. 

According to data collected by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), world wine production is expected to remain stable in 2022 at about 260 mhl. This will be the fourth consecutive year that global production will be slightly below its 20-year average.

However, in the EU, 2022 wine production is expected to be at 157 mhl, recording an annual increase of 3.5 mhl (+2%) compared to 2021.

Positive performances were recorded in Italy, France, and Germany, compensating for the low harvests expected in Spain and Greece, which were particularly affected by the heatwave during summer.

The first harvest forecasts in the USA indicate that production volume will be slightly lower than in 2021 at 23.1 mhl, a decrease of -4%.

After the record-high figures of last year, Southern Hemisphere vineyards produced average volumes, with the only exception being New Zealand, as favourable climatic conditions helped the region achieve its largest production with 3.8 mhl, a 44% increase.

Overall, in 2022 the Southern Hemisphere wine production is expected to account for 21% of the world total, with 55 mhl, a -7% drop on 2021.

Meanwhile, a recent report from the European Drought Observatory (EDO), suggested Europe faced its worst drought in at least 500 years this summer, with two-thirds of the continent in a state of alert or warning, reducing inland shipping, electricity production and the yields of certain crops.

The August report said 47% of Europe was under warning conditions, with a clear deficit of soil moisture, and 17% was in a state of alert, in which vegetation is affected.
