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'Unfair': how 84% of Britons describe tax on Scotch whisky

Published:  22 December, 2014

More than eight out of 10 Britons find the 78% tax on Scotch whisky unfair, according to new research carried out by Censuswide on behalf of the Scotch Whisky Association.

More than eight out of 10 Britons find the 78% tax on Scotch whisky unfair, according to new research carried out by Censuswide on behalf of the Scotch Whisky Association.

SWATwo out of three UK consumers don't know they're paying over £10 on tax on Scotch whiskyInfographic showing how consumers responded to the Censuswide poll for the Scotch Whisky Association

The survey polled 1,129 people across the UK and found only one in three people are aware that of the money they're handing over for a bottle of Scotch whisky, 78% is going straight into government coffers in tax. The cost of an average bottle of Scotch whisky includes £10.06 of tax.

One in three also said they buy Scotch as a gift for a loved one, but three quarters of those questioned said they are feeling the pinch over Christmas with pressures including travel, buying presents and paying for entertainment adding to the anxiety. 

David Frost, chief executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, said: "These results show that consumers see Scotch as a holiday staple for gifting and entertaining. We have got to find a way to put a bit of money back into people's pockets not only during the festive season, but throughout the year, which is why we are campaigning to for a 2% cut in alcohol duty in the 2015 budget. A 78% tax on a bottle of Scotch is simply not fair."

Jonathan Isaby, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, also campaigning for a duty cut, said: "Families across the country are still feeling the pinch, not just over the Christmas period but all year round. The Chancellor has a chance to leave a little more in people's pockets by cutting this unfairly high tax down to size in the budget. Politicians often talk about the cost of living crisis, and this is a chance for the Chancellor to do something about it."

Scotch Whisky contributes around £5 billion to the UK economy and supports around 40,000 jobs.

This research is part of the 'Drop the Duty!' campaign being run by the SWA, Wine and Spirit Trade Association and TaxPayers' Alliance, calling for a 2% cut in alcohol duty. 

UK consumers are urged to take action and speak out about the unfair level of tax by emailing their MP via the campaign website asking George Osborne to make this modest 2% cut in duty across all alcohol products as part of his 2015 Budget.

