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Independents should target the "ethical" under-35 consumer says IGD

Published:  27 November, 2013

Specialist independent wine merchants and retailers looking to sell organic, Fairtrade and ethically sourced wine and spirits are urged to specifically target the under-35 age group as they are the most likely consumers to want to buy such products, according to new IGD research released today.

By analysing its ShopperVista consumer shopping trends data it has identified the "Generation Ethical" consumer that are more likely than older shoppers to shop ethically. They are also twice as likely to think they will be better off in the year ahead.

The IGD found that under-35s are twice as likely to:

·         say they will buy more organic over the next year (23% vs 11% of over-35s)

·         want to use specialist independent stores more in the future (18% vs 9%)

·         believe they will be better off in a year's time (28% vs 12%)

Joanne Denney-Finch, chief executive, of the IGD, said: "It's encouraging that younger people are so optimistic about the future and also more likely to want to make a difference to the world. Shoppers under-35 are  more interested in supporting workers in developing nations, through Fairtrade for example, and considering a retailer's values and approach to sourcing products.

"As well as wanting to do the right thing, younger people are more interested in cooking from scratch, using leftovers to waste less, and spending a little more on food and drink to make a nice meal or have a treat if they have spare money at the end of the month.

"The under-35s have grown up with high profile ethical campaigns by celebrity chefs. They are tech-savvy and have lived through an era of cheap international travel - so they've experienced global cultures and cuisines, and enjoy eating world foods on their return home. Shoppers aged 25 to 34 are almost twice as likely as older ones to request more Vietnamese, Moroccan and Caribbean foods from British retailers.

"These trends provide opportunities for retailers and food manufacturers to target younger shoppers with targeted marketing and new products that will chime with their more optimistic outlook."
