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COPY: Harpers new consumer report reveals key wine trends in the UK on-trade

Published:  10 December, 2014

In the second of our exclusive consumer reports, Harpers turns the spotlight on drinking trends in the UK on-trade and finds out what the average Brit thinks of the wine in their glass and what attracts them, or not, to ordering wine when out and out about compared to other drinks


Over 40% of Brits will buy wine online this Christmas, says Harpers new e-commerce report

Published:  05 December, 2014



Infographic: why the on-trade is losing out on wine sales

Published:  26 August, 2014

Get a snapshot of what drives consumer's decisions about what to drink when they're out in bars and restaurants by checking out our infographic on the subject.


Demystifying Restaurant & Bar Consumers: Strategic Insight into the UK On-Trade Still Wine Market, Harpers Data & Insights

Published:  08 August, 2014

This report explores the on-trade still wine market in the UK using a unique blend of proprietary consumer survey data and market consensus research.


Harpers new consumer report reveals key wine trends in the UK on-trade

Published:  08 August, 2014

In the second of our exclusive consumer reports, Harpers turns the spotlight on drinking trends in the UK on-trade and finds out what the average Brit thinks of the wine in their glass and what attracts them, or not, to ordering wine when out and out about compared to other drinks


Demystifying the consumer: The UK Off-Trade Still Wine Market, Harpers Data & Insights

Published:  30 May, 2014

Harpers exclusive national headline making report in to the drinking habits of over 1,000 consumers is now available to buy.