Sustainability Report: The Co-op interview
For decades the Co-op has led the way in ethical trading and renewable energy in the grocery sector. In 2023, how is this reflected in its BWS offering? James Bayley reports.
Read more...For decades the Co-op has led the way in ethical trading and renewable energy in the grocery sector. In 2023, how is this reflected in its BWS offering? James Bayley reports.
Read more...South Africa’s Bosman Family Vineyards has bolstered its sales capacity in the European and African markets with with two senior appointments.
Read more...The Co- op’s most visible point of difference has always been Fairtrade and its autumn tasting on 4 October showed that the buyers have convinced further suppliers to convert to Fairtrade for several key wines.
Read more...The Co-op has claimed a UK first with the launch of Côteaux les Cèdres - the first wine from Lebanon and the Middle-East to have both Fairtrade and organic certifications.