Published: 03 October, 2024
Two contrasting news stories caught my attention last month. The first featured the largest ever gathering of the B Corp movement. Held in Oxford the B Corp Festival brought together people from a growing community of over 2000 UK companies who have embraced its key objective – that business should be a force for good. B stands for Benefit. The slogan is People, Planet, Profit. The ethos is that all stakeholders – internal and external – should benefit from what a business does and how it does it.
Published: 10 August, 2020
I had called a meeting – I think it was to discuss innovation. We were maybe eight people, all key players in their roles, and me, the boss. The meeting was due to start at 11am, but I was finishing another important task and I did not make it until 11.15, maybe 11.20. I made my apologies and we got underway.
For as long as I can remember, the wine industry has been coveting youth. Generic bodies have been at the forefront of this rush to connect with Gen Y. The CIVB, Inter Rhône and InterLoire have all invested significant resources into campaigns targeted at millennials.
Published: 24 November, 2017
A new generation coming up behind the Millennials is presenting new challenges to the drinks trade. Andrew Catchpole reports from the Global Drinks Forum in Berlin