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Nick Gillett: Why vodka needs to break out of its boring ‘steady Eddie’ box

Published:  19 August, 2024

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘vodka’. Not much, right? Where the word ‘whisky’ evokes images of sipping from a glass next to a roaring fire and ‘rum’ transports you to tropical climates grasping a glass filled with amber liquid on ice – vodka just doesn’t deliver the same dreamy (if clichéd) scenarios. But vodka is estimated to have a global value of $40.25 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 5.6% each year until then (IWSR Vodka Innovation Trends report). So, the category has to be doing something right, surely?


Duty coincides with drinking trends says Kingsland Drinks

Published:  24 November, 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, independent UK supplier, Kingsland Drinks, has revealed its insights on key areas to watch out for in 2024, looking at incoming drinks trends in wine, spirits and RTDs.


Nick Gillett: Don’t listen to the snobs – RTDs have a lot to offer

Published:  21 November, 2022

You’ll not find many in the spirits industry praising the rise from the grave of the humble RTD – and to those who are disparaging of ready to drink products, I say, get over yourself.


Positive thinking

Published:  07 July, 2021

While the past year has been extremely challenging for alcohol, there’s cause for optimism when it comes to recovery. Lisa Riley crunches IWSR numbers.


Global alcohol consumption to return to pre-Covid levels by 2023

Published:  03 June, 2021

The global beverage alcohol market is showing positive signs of recovery and is projected to grow 2.9% in volume by the end of 2021, according IWSR research.


Pandemic boosts Argentinian and rosé wine sales

Published:  17 May, 2021

Argentinian wine and rosé were two of the alcoholic beverages which saw a “remarkable uplift” in retail sales during lockdowns and restrictions in 2020, according to the latest WSTA Market Report.