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Waitrose appoints new wine trading manager

Published:  07 October, 2024

Nicola Jones will join Waitrose as its new wine trading manager on 13 October, bringing 13 years of experience from within the company. 


Guy Woodward: Wine's 'social experts'

Published:  10 May, 2022

“The people of this country have had enough of experts,” said Brexit cheerleader Michael Gove in the lead-up to that fateful vote. Disdaining the leaders of the US, China, India, Australia and every EU country, as well as the heads of the Bank of England, the IMF, IFS, CBI and the NHS – all of whom he branded as “distant” and “elitist” – Gove argued that fans of Brexit knew best when it came to the economy.


Drinks Trust unveils new mentoring scheme

Published:  02 December, 2020

The Drinks Trust has today unveiled its The Drinks Community Mentoring Programme, a key part of its recently announced The Drinks Community initiative.