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Published:  07 October, 2013

Port continues to show resilience in the UK, with sales growing by value in a stagnant wine market. For Mark Symonds of Fells (Symington Ports), the category's price hierarchy is a key positive, with products available from cheap ruby through LBV, aged tawnies and colheitas, single quinta vintage and traditional vintage.


Sparkling Producer & Supplier Views

Published:  07 October, 2013

Views from: Damian Clarke, managing director, Freixenet; Christine Follador, marketing and sales manager, Follador; Massimo Tuzzi, chief international officer, Zonin; Jon Sampson, prestige and portfolio brands director, Bacardi-Martini; Carolyn D'Aguilar, brand manager, Codorníu; Canti; Gavioli Gian Paolo, Cantine Maschio; Gianluca Bisol managing director, Bisol Prosecco.


Sparkling Buyers Views

Published:  07 October, 2013

Views from: Matthew Henning, Hennings Wine Merchants; Ruth Yates, Corks Out.


Asda tops supermarket wine buys for the biggest bargain

Published:  04 October, 2013

Shoppers looking for supermarket wine bargains best head to Asda, as data collected over the past four weeks shows it is consistently beating the prices of its major competitors.


How should restaurants choose their wine suppliers?

Published:  06 September, 2013

In the first of a new series, Jade Koch looks at how restaurants should choose their wine suppliers


Country report: Spain

Published:  06 September, 2013

A new way with Vinoteca

Published:  06 September, 2013

Dominic Midgley looks at how Charlie Young and Brett Woonton created a new way of eating and drinking out with Vinoteca.


Making the right moves

Published:  20 August, 2013

Choosing the right logistics company is a vital decision. Get it right and you can improve efficiency, cut costs and, most importantly, serve your customers better. Get it wrong and products may not be available when they should be, and you could end up working in an atmosphere of mistrust with your contractor.


The biggest and best alcohol brands of 2013

Published:  20 August, 2013

So what were the best-performing wine and spirits brands over the past year? Here Erin Smith presents the movers and shakers in wine and spirits taken from The Grocer's Britain's 100 Biggest Alcohol Brands 2013


It's time to take duty fraud seriously

Published:  20 August, 2013

Trade estimates put the level of losses due to wine duty fraud as high as £300 million a year, but how much is really being done within the industry to tackle a problem that is spiralling out of control? asks Carol Emmas


The JWT Austerity Index

Published:  16 August, 2013

Austerity Index: How consumers are spending their money and coping in these times of austerity


Retention of Title: Part two

Published:  25 July, 2013

In the second of a series of articles, wine law specialist Andrew Park looks further at the problems that can arise when enforcing Retention of Title (ROT) claims for wine supplied, and how suppliers can maximise their chances of success


Qubit: Beers Wines and Spirits Online Benchmark Report

Published:  19 July, 2013

This Qubit benchmark looks at the onsite effectiveness of some of the UK's most popular alcohol retailers' websites. It uses industry best practice criteria to analyse the performance of each site against set customer user journeys.


Raymond Blanc: Blanc on Blanc

Published:  19 July, 2013

Michelin-starred chef Raymond Blanc is world famous for his skills in the kitchen. But here, in his own words, he talks about the equal passion he has for the wine ? particularly from his adopted shores of the UK ? that he chooses to go with his award-winning food


Buying Guide: Supplementary channels

Published:  17 July, 2013

In our last Buying Guide we looked at the three primary channels for sourcing wine in the UK: wholesalers, agents and buying direct. In this follow-up article, Matt Walls looks at the supplementary channels that can help you build the strongest range possible


The UK through Spanish eyes

Published:  15 July, 2013

Spain-based wine writer Diego Bonnel talks to Spanish wine producers about what they see as the opportunities and challenges of working in the UK market


Postal charges: how to cut your costs

Published:  12 July, 2013

In April 2012 Royal Mail raised a few eyebrows by increasing its postal charges by 30%. Royal Mail said it was necessary to keep the organisation afloat...


California's big crop fails to lower prices

Published:  11 July, 2013

Despite the vineyards of the Golden State experiencing their biggest ever harvests last year, grape pricing continues to climb, as Anya Robson reports


Enter Story Headline

Published:  01 July, 2013

Demystifying French wine regions

Published:  28 June, 2013

With UK consumers drinking increasingly higher-quality French wines, it seems trading up is alive and well...