Why go out for a drink when you can stay in for one?' muses JONATHAN RAY. Two new companies have taken advantage of the current trend for entertaining at home and Ray feels it's only fair that he gives them both a try. Taste-In sends over a wine expert and some top wines for the night and Ray's guests are treated to Charles Metcalfe, who proves to be authoritative and witty, and pitches it just right'. Belvedere Private Room is a little more on the edgy side and sends in bartenders, booze, poker chips, playing cards and very fit young ladies laden with a large massage table'. At between 80 to 100 a head, Ray does point out that neither occasion is cheap', but he decides it's worth it for two cracking evenings with fabulous wines and cocktails and absolutely no washing up'. Wines of the week include 2005 McWilliam's Hanwood Estate Riesling, Australia (5.99; Somerfield).