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Wines of Argentina goes interactive for LIWF

Published:  23 July, 2008

Wines of Argentina (WoA) has launched a website dedicated entirely to the London International Wine Fair (LIWF) this May.

It aims to help attendees cut through the crowds for the three-day event and uses a newsfeed, downloadable documents and an Argentina-focussed floor plan.

Tim Johns, WoA campaigns cocordinator, said the website aimed to "put everything in one place" with "downloadable information prior to the event".

"Having an updated platform 24-hours a day allows users to do this," he added.

The site will feature:

A list of the wineries participating on our pavilion

The whereabouts of the other member wineries, aka Los Otros, who will be on their agents stand

Details of the 'Why Argentina Matters' seminar

List of the wines for the Malbec New Release Tasting

Press releases, news & product launches section

Click here for Wines of Argentina's LIWF site.
