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Vironneau confirmed at CIVB

Published:  23 July, 2008

The controversial growers leader Alain Vironneau has been named president of the CIVB after an unopposed election.

As the head of the Union of Bordeaux and Bordeaux Suprior, Vironneau lead a campaign - fiercely criticised by the ngociant grouping - to set minimum prices for the sale of Bordeaux wines. As head of the CIVB, Vironneau has promised to work together [with the ngociants] constructively'.

The CIVB said: In accordance with the long-standing tradition of alternation, Alain Vironneau, a winegrower follows on from Christian Delpeuch, a wine merchant.' Vironneau also runs Chteaux Majureau-Sercillan and Tarreyrots, in the Bordeaux & Bordeaux Suprieur appellation.
