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Published:  23 July, 2008

The German wine industry is in mourning following the death of Christian Adams (37), export marketing director, the German Wine Institute, who was a passenger on the United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco which crashed on Tuesday 11 September in Pennsylvania. He was on his way from New York to a German wine presentation in San Francisco. Armin Goering, managing director of the German Wine Institute, said: "Christian Adams was a highly regarded and well-known figure in the German wine industry. His passion and commitment were visible in all his work and he was a great ambassador for German wine. The sorrow of this loss will be felt throughout the industry." In the 1980s Adams studied at the University of Geisenheim and then at UC Davis, California. He joined the German Wine Institute in 1989 and became export marketing director in 1995. Adams is survived by his wife and two children.
