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The week that was

Published:  28 July, 2017

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have put together a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.

Top Stories: There was a lot of activity from Bibendum this week with the launch of its 2017 portfolio and range extensions.

We also reported on findings from Asda which showed that more can be done to de-mystify the wine aisle for British consumers.

Analysis and Insights:
 There was a focus on sparkling this week with features casting an eye over two of Europe’s most historic sparklers: Cava and Champagne.

We also brought you a look at the impact of a potential “Brexodus” on an already strained staffing situation and looked at how internet businesses are changing the way independents reach customers.

People and Opinion: As the Supreme Court deliberates on whether or not to support the Scottish government’s in its plan to introduce a 50p minimum unit price for alcohol, Guy Woodward talked about minimum pricing and alcohol’s effect – the “elephant in the cellar”.

We also caught up with Marty Grant about his Bristol-based restaurant and wine shop which is best known for its eclectic wine offer - but no wine list.