Flanders, which since its partition has straddled both Belgium and the Netherlands, is the home of jenever (genever in Holland, genbre in Belgium and genever in the UK; traditionally also called Schiedam or Dutch Gin).
Producers (Listed are the most important producers and those whose products are imported into the UK)
Dutch producers and their best products:
P. Bokma Distillers, www.bokma.com
owned and distributed by Bols
Jonge Graanjenever (35%)
Oude Genever (38%)
De Kuyper, www.dekuyper.com
Oude Gran jenever (38%)
Nolet, www.ketel1.nl
Ketel 1, Jonge Graanjenever (35%)
UTO Nederland, fax +31 10 4270528
Notaris V.O., minimaal 3 jaar gelagerd (35%)
Wennecker, www.wennecker.nl
Oude Genever, extra zacht (36%)
Oude Genever, 3 jaar gelagerd (38%)
Belgian producers and their best products:
Graanstokerij Braeckman, info@braeckman.org
Oude Graanjenever (38%)
Old jenever Kiekendief (40%).
Etn.P.Bruggeman, www.bruggeman.be
Cuve du Centenaire (38%).
Graanstokerij Filliers, www.filliers.be
Graanjenever Filliers (35%)
5 jaar oud Filliers pure (38%)
8 jaar oud Filliers oude (50%)
Brennerei - Distillerie Radermacher, www.dist-radermacher.com
Lambertus (38%)
Stokerij Rubbens, www.rubbens-gebr.be
Originele Oost-Vlaamse Graanjenever (38%)
Oude Genever, Vieux Systme (35%)
Stokerij Van Damme, www.stokerijvandamme.be
Balegemse Graanjenever Vieux Systme (41%)
Likeurstokerij V.d.S. (Van der Schueren), fax +32 53 7839262
Faluintjes Oude Graanjenever (35%)
Oude Klare Graanjenever (41%)
Van Hoorebeke, owned and distributed by FY (Fourcroy-Renglet),
Echte Eeklose jenever (30%)
Echte Oostvlaamse Graanjenever (38%)
Echte Eeklose jenever 8 jaar oud (38%)