Croft Indulgence, a Reserve Port created by Croft Port and aimed at the female market, was launched last month in the UK. The Fladgate Partnership, which owns Croft, carried out studies with focus groups of women aged 35 and over, and found that Port or wine drinkers prefer drinking Port in the comfort of home' while others, with little or no Port knowledge, looked for emotional and visual aids at the point of sale which are reinforced by attractive price points. The company says that although the bottle retains the classic shape used by other styles in the Croftportfolio, the packaging now features a warm satin finish on the label, vibrant deep purple and silver colours, and an embossed branding on the bottle - which will appeal to female consumers at the point of purchase. MD Adrian Bridge said: With the assistance of our robotic vats, called Port toes, we have the ability to produce incredible Reserve Ports with bigger aromas, richness, and greater fruit intensity. With its contemporary packaging and attractive design, we hope to woo a new female audience with their very own stylish brand without compromising authenticity, heritage, quality and flavour which has earned Croft Port its enviable reputation.' Natasha Bridge, Bridge's wife and daughter of Alistair Robertson of the Taylor's Port family, is one of theblenders at The Fladgate Partnership.