The wine list’s new rules
In part 2 of our series, Jo Gilbert goes back to basics with on-trade suppliers to tease out the nuances of the burning question: what makes a good wine list?
Read more...In part 2 of our series, Jo Gilbert goes back to basics with on-trade suppliers to tease out the nuances of the burning question: what makes a good wine list?
Read more...Britain’s leading managed restaurant, pub and bar groups achieved an eighth consecutive month of year-on-year sales growth in May 2023, the latest Coffer CGA Business Tracker shows.
Read more...St Pancras Renaissance Hotel, Euston Rd, London, NW1 2AR
Read more...In the final instalment of our online series, one last time, Harpers is going back to basics with a member of the UK hospitality industry to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...In this series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...As we continue online our 'What Makes a Good Wne List?' series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that ensures a modern wine list is successful.
As we continue online our 'What Makes a Good Wne List?' series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that ensures a modern wine list is successful.
Read more...New research reveals robust demand among consumers for eating and drinking out, despite the rocketing cost of household bills. However, it seems businesses are not exactly reaping the rewards; and with more cost increases on the horizon, with the new duty rises set for 1 August, hospitality is facing a tough summer.
Read more...In our online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...A new survey from CGA by NIQ and Fourth suggests hospitality leaders are feeling more positive about their businesses for the year ahead.
Read more...In our online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...In a new online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...181 Piccadilly, St James’s, London W1A 1ER
Read more...Faced with a significant duty rise from 1 August, many in the business of selling wine are bracing themselves for a new round of pain. Unwilling to pass on price rises to cash-strapped customers, but needing to protect already thin margins, this unpopular hike in tax is understandably the talk of the trade. And all of this is to happen at a time when implementation will impact on hospitality outlets, forcing a reorganisation of wine lists during the crucial summer trading period.
Read more...In a new online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...In the first of a new online series, Harpers is going back to basics with members of hospitality to find out exactly what is the secret sauce that makes a modern wine list successful.
Read more...Pubs, restaurants and bars in Britain’s biggest cities achieved solid year-on-year growth in the first quarter of 2023, according to the new ‘Top Cities’ report from CGA.