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Additional 145 million pints to be sold due to reduced ‘distancing’

Published:  24 June, 2020

CGA has calculated that 145 million additional pints of beer will be sold through the on-trade  as a result of the new 1 metre distancing rule, compared with what would have been sold with 2 metres.


Q&A: Des Gunewardena chairman and chief executive, D&D London

Published:  23 June, 2020

After bumping up its US expansion via a new 11,000 sq ft bar, restaurant and cafe concept in New York’s new Hudson Yards shopping mall, hospitality group D&D has had much to keep it on its toes over the past 18 months. Jo Gilbert catches up with its chairman and chief executive about fighting Covid-19 on either side of the Atlantic.


Research confirms protracted on-trade recovery

Published:  22 June, 2020

A new survey of UK Hospitality (UKH) members has confirmed that hospitality businesses are expecting a lengthy and painful recovery, with levels of trade expected to be significantly supressed for many months to come.


On-trade calls grow in urgency for clarity on reopening

Published:  16 June, 2020

As the tough balancing act between protecting health and promoting the economy dominates national debate, UK on-trade operators are becoming increasingly vocal on the need for government clarity ahead of reopening.


Soapbox: Stephen Finch on the 2 metre barrier to trade

Published:  08 June, 2020

Asking for rational trade-offs, Vagabond’s Stephen Finch voices the on-trade’s concern over the economic impact of shut-down and the 2 metre distancing rule.


‘Save summer six’ ministers press for 22 June on-trade reopening

Published:  08 June, 2020

Boris Johnson is understood to be close to agreement with a group of senior ministers to look at reopening the hospitality sector on 22 June.