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Rise in violent crime linked to 24-hour drinking

Published:  23 July, 2008

UK: Police forces in Devon and Cornwall have reported a rise in violent crime since 24-hour drinking was introduced.

The latest crime figures show there were 67 violent crimes such as murder, attempted murder, manslaughter or wounding at licensed premises in the 12 months after the Licensing Act came into force in November 2005.

This compared with 43 incidents the year before. Up to June this year, there have already been 34 violent incidents, Sgt Steve Tovagliari, chairman of the Devon and Cornwall branch of the Police Federation, said.

He claims the incidents are spread out throughout the evening to 4 or 5am since 24-hour drinking was introduced.

Home Office figures, however, said data collected from 30 police forces in England and Wales showed no indication of an overall rise in violent offences.
