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Avallen Solutions launches sustainability consultancy

Published:  28 June, 2024

The founders of Avallen Spirits, Stephanie Jordan-Balmforth and Tim Etherington-Judge, have announced the launch of Avallen Solutions, a new sustainability consultancy for the drinks and hospitality industries.

Building on the sustainability credentials of its Avallen Calvados spirits brand, the duo now aims to share its best practices with the wider industry amidst the escalating threats posed by climate change, water insecurity and biodiversity loss.

“With Avallen Calvados, our dream was to build the world’s most sustainable spirits brand, and we achieved that,” said Etherington-Judge (pictured left). “But we know that there’s no point being the last tree standing in the forest; we have to ensure the forest thrives. That’s our new dream, and we can’t do it alone.”

The industry faces unprecedented risks from rising global temperatures and extreme weather events. In 2021, drinks companies were responsible for 4% of global CO2e emissions, and the current reduction rate of 0.7% per year is insufficient to meet net-zero targets.

“Genuine and authentic sustainability is the most important and interesting area of innovation for every drinks brand, bar and restaurant around the world,” said Jordan-Balmforth (right).

“That’s why we’ve created Avallen Solutions – to share everything we’ve learned about making drinks that don’t give the planet a hangover and accelerate the critically needed change.”

With predictions that 95% of the world’s land could be degraded by 2050 and unsuitable for crops, the need for sustainable practices is urgent. However, nature’s resilience offers hope.

“We must reject business-as-usual thinking, adopt long-term strategies with urgency, and work together with nature, farmers, and each other,” added Jordan-Balmforth.

Avallen Solutions is offering three tailored packages to support businesses of all sizes. Seed is suitable for small businesses and startups, ensuring they start on the right path for long-term success. Blossom is designed for mid-sized companies, helping instil good practices and culture as the business grows. Lastly, Harvest is aimed at large companies, maximising positive impact with customised support and ongoing consultancy.

“We’ve collaborated with some of the brilliant people we’ve met along our journey to put together a crack team dedicated to making the drinks and hospitality industries more sustainable. With experts in research, hospitality, environmental measurement and marketing, we’re here to help revolutionise your business,” Etherington-Judge concluded.
