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Retail volumes up 4.2% but price deflation keeps lid on value growth

Published:  20 August, 2015

Office for National Statistics estimates suggest that volume retail sales in July were up 4.2% on the corresponding month last year.

Growth of 0.5% in the last quarter means stores have enjoyed the longest period of sustained growth since record began in 1996, the ONS said.

The value of online sales increased by 13% over the year and now accounts for 12.6% of all retail sales.

Price deflation meant that total retail sales in July were only up by 1% in value on the same month in 2014.

The "predominantly food stores" category in the ONS figures - which includes sales of alcohol - saw volumes lagging behind the retail industry as whole, up 1.3% over the year. Average store prices were down 2.2% to result in an overall drop of 0.8% in sales value.
