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Two Good, 2 Bad for 2013, 2 Hopes and Fears for 2014: Rupert Pritchett, Taurus Wines

Published:  02 January, 2014

Rupert Pritchett of independent wine merchants, Taurus Wines, rounds up our festive series of 2 Good, 2 Bad for 2013 and 2 Hopes and Fears for 2014.


2 Good

1 Taurus Wines winning Small French Merchant of the Year at the Harpers French Wine Summit of course!

2 Opening a concession area in a very busy farm shop near Godalming called Secretts of Milford.


2 Bad

1 The passing away of a family member who helped found the business 12 years ago.

2 Our best Champagne customer's therapist telling him to stop drinking!



2 Hopes

1 To both find some great new wines on an upcoming trip in January with Wines of Argentina and also to come back without gout!

2 For one of our team's MW dissertation to pass, allowing him to complete the course. 


2 Fears

1 Another inflation busting duty rise.

2 That customers will continue to expect a level of service that is commercially unrealistic and refuse to pay delivery charges, whilst at the same time wanting discount on the product "because wine club x, y or Z can do it at 50 % off etc".

