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Cantine Settesoli renews sustainability commitment

Published:  04 October, 2021

Leading Sicilian co-operative Cantine Settesoli has renewed its commitment to environmental sustainability by implementing Alta Qualità Bio (AQB) as part of its 2021 agricultural campaign.


Friday Read: Sustainability, organics or biodynamics – who’s got it right?

Published:  24 January, 2020

Since France’s ‘organic’ fair Millesime Bio began in 1993, France and the rest of the winemaking world have come to embrace the gamut of holistic winemaking practices, from sustainability to organics and biodynamics. But how useful, actually, are they as separate disciplines? And do they have the staying power to be truly ‘sustainable’ longterm? Mike Turner, who was in Montpellier to judge this year’s medal winners, mulls over the big questions.


Joe Fattorini: On wine, lemons and cow shit

Published:  18 March, 2019

Head of London sales at Fields, Morris & Verdin