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Duty reforms: What’s the cost for wine and spirits?

Published:  28 October, 2021

Chancellor Rishi Sunak revealed plans to simplify the current alcohol duty regime during yesterday’s Budget, when it was revealed that the Treasury would be adopting a new principle of “the stronger the drink, the higher the rate”.


Lockdown will end in Tiers (2 and 3 for most of England)

Published:  26 November, 2020

The end of lockdown will bring little relief for England’s hospitality sector, which is returning to the rule of alcohol “only to be served with substantial meals” or stricter for most of the country.


Relief as gin spared from US tariff hikes, but battle for Scotch continues

Published:  13 August, 2020

The US has backed down on its threat to expand a 16-year old trade fight with the European Union to impose tariffs on gin – a move which would have been “hugely detrimental” for the British alcohol industry.


Government hit by fall in wine-duty revenues

Published:  02 December, 2019

Wine duty receipts fell back 2.1% in the first six months of the financial year, according to data released by the government.


Saunders wins chairman role at WSTA

Published:  28 June, 2019

Michael Saunders, chief executive of Bibendum PLB, has been appointed by the WSTA as its new chairman. He takes over from outgoing chairman, Dan Jago.


Chancellor’s wine hikes to go live at midnight

Published:  01 February, 2019

The wine industry is being warned to prepare for today’s rise in duty, which will push up a bottle of still wine by 7p to £2.23 overnight.