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James Davis MW joins Henkell Freixenet

Published:  18 May, 2021

James Davis MW will be joining the Henkell Freixenet team in a newly created role from the first week of July.


Minister dashes hopes of VAT cut extension

Published:  27 January, 2021

A treasury minister has said there are “no current plans” to further extend the reduction in VAT for hospitality businesses despite estimates that rising rates could directly and permanently impact the sector and lead to the loss of up to 310,000 jobs.


Future of Wine Forum calls for industry leadership

Published:  09 December, 2020

Among many insightful climate-related sessions at the Future of Wine Forum 2020, the plenary discussion on what wine industry leadership should look like stood out. Andrew Catchpole reports


Record breaking November for grocery market expected to lead to rosy Christmas

Published:  08 December, 2020

November was officially the largest month ever for the UK grocery market – a trend that analysts are predicting to carry on into December for a bumper shopping month.


New global buying hub will see Aldi pool its resources across Europe

Published:  16 September, 2019

Aldi has revealed additional details of its latest move to create a wine-buying hub in Salzburg, Austria, which will have a major impact on the way the discounter buys, blends and sells wines across markets.


Think Whisky 2018: Wising up to whisky

Published:  08 October, 2018

Despite being the second biggest spirits category in the UK, accounting for 21% of sales (Nielsen/CGA, year to June 2018), big opportunities exist for whisk(e)y if it can grow engagement with women and younger adults, who currently shy away from the category.