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New indie Christmas campaign for Bordeaux

Published:  07 October, 2020

Bordeaux Wines UK has inveiled a new Christmas campaign aimed at independent wine merchants.


Graft bolsters Australia and South African portfolios as it gears up for digital tasting

Published:  24 August, 2020

Graft Wine, last year’s merger of Red Squirrel and The Knotted Vine, is gearing up for a bumper month of activity in September, with two Southern Hemisphere additions joining the company as it takes its autumn tasting online.


Tim Atkin MW: Sorry Mr Parker, but the world has moved on

Published:  06 July, 2018

Robert Parker is one of the most talked about and divisive individuals in the world of wine. Now into his seventies and the twilight of his career, he still has the power to ignite heated discussions – even if his sway over the wineries, domaines and châteaux that once trembled before his judgments has largely vanished.