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Q&A: Nayan Gowda winemaker, Jardín Oculto

Published:  24 May, 2023

Nayan Gowda, well-travelled UK winemaker now making wines at 2,300m altitude with Jardín Oculto in the Cinti Valley in Bolivia, talks Darren Smith through his work.


South America: Beyond the big hitters

Published:  27 March, 2023

Amanda Barnes, author of The South America Wine Guide gives her take on those lesser-known yet infinitely interesting wine-producing nations such as Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, to see what styles are sticking to the wall.


Barnes publishes ‘most comprehensive’ guide to SA wines

Published:  29 June, 2021

Regional expert Amanda Barnes has published The South America Wine Guide, covering the wines of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.