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‘First-day back’ sales see 25% uplift for bars and restaurants on 17 May

Published:  20 May, 2021

After five weeks of outdoor-only trading, CGA research has revealed a strong start to the week for managed groups as consumers make the most of being able to drink and eat indoors for the first time since December.


French wines weaken on fine-wine market

Published:  01 April, 2020

France’s premier wine regions continue to weaken on the fine-wine market, according to the first-quarter 2020 trading data released this morning by Liv-ex.


Xmas high-street sales falter but Majestic and Aldi thrive

Published:  07 January, 2020

Despite mixed results from the BWS sector over the Christmas trading period, some retailers were able to buck the trend.


Aperol drives global growth for Gruppo Campari

Published:  29 October, 2019

Gruppo Campari has reported strong organic sales growth of 6.9% for the nine months to 30 September.