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Four in five bars plan to increase range of no and low alcohol drinks

Published:  01 December, 2022

Research by CGA by NielsenIQ and non-alcoholic spirits brand CROSSIP suggests that 67% of bar professionals have increased their range of no/low alcohol drinks over the past year, and 82% will do so over the next 12 months, demonstrating the growing importance of the category to consumer choice.

The research reveals that bar professionals consider the target market for no/low alcohol drinks is people wanting to moderate their intake, rather than those who are teetotal.

Carl Anthony Brown, CROSSIP founder & master of Liquid, said: "This survey has spoken to a broad mix of industry professionals, across the different regions and venue styles that we have in the UK. We’re excited to partner with CGA, the UK’s leading on-trade insight consultancy, to bring this ground-breaking piece of research to the industry."

According to said survey, nearly nine in 10 (88%) bars now offer no or low-alcohol drinks, and a significant proportion (75%) of team members consume these drinks personally. Two in five (41%) professionals think no/low spirits will see the fastest growth over the next five years, putting it well clear of other categories like beer (24%) and wine (23%).

Anthony Brown added: "While it may seem bars, hotels and restaurants may respond to consumer demand, we know that those in the front and back-of-house control where drinks and drink trends are created. They are the true purveyors of the No&Lo message to consumers.

"With 88% of on-trade venues now offering no and low alcoholic alternatives, we believe that there is no-one as well-versed in the category as these hospitality professionals."

The report also highlights the many benefits to bars of a good range of no and low-alcohol spirits, especially for the growing number of drinkers who want to moderate their intake. Four in five (80%) bar staff agree that their primary target for no and low-alcohol drinks are those who are not teetotal, and a similar number (78%) think the category adds new occasions to people’s drinking habits, rather than replacing current ones.

Dave Lancaster, client director at CGA, said: “Bar professionals are helping to make the no and low alcohol category one of the most dynamic parts of Britain’s drinking-out market. Alongside consumers’ rising awareness of the range of quality of drinks that are available, it puts this segment in prime position for more success throughout 2023. Understanding consumers’ needs, optimising range and innovating in flavours and serves will all boost bars in what is set to be another tough and competitive year.”

The ‘Leading the Way in No/Low Spirits’ report from CGA and CROSSIP is available to download in full at

