Annual DWCC conference says farewell
The Digital Wine Communications Conference series that was held annually in different European wine producing regions has closed its doors.
Read more...The Digital Wine Communications Conference series that was held annually in different European wine producing regions has closed its doors.
Read more...The annual Digital Wine Communications Conference held last month issued a call to action to the wine trade- stop talking to yourself and start talking to consumers.
Read more...The annual DWCC event is no longer just for bloggers, but has become essential for anyone involved in wine communications. When it comes to communications we really are all in it together, summed up Jancis Robinson MW after three days of the seventh annual Digital Wine Communications Conference in Montreux, Switzerland.
Read more...In case you missed some of the headlines this week on harpers.co.uk, we have done a review of the top online news, financial news for the drinks trade, Q&As, and opinion stories.
Read more...Those Google folk don't miss a trick - I guess they would not be working there if they did.
Read more...Social media platforms like YouTube give the wine industry the chance to connect directly with consumers in a way traditional media channels such as TV and newspapers have always denied them, according to Google's Hamish Nicklin.
Read more...We are living in a "golden age" of wine and we need to make the most of it before it is taken over by bureaucracy and censorship was the personal plea of Jancis Robinson MW at this weekend's Digital Wine Communications Conference in Montreux, Switzerland.
Read more...Technology is having a 'disruptive' effect on how wine businesses are run delegates at the Digital Wine Communications Conference heard this weekend in Montreux, Switzerland.
Read more...Both multiple and specialist retailers could learn a lot from "the balls" that Lidl and other discounters are now using to market and sell wine, according to wine commentator and consultant Robert Joseph.
Read more...The majority of wine consumers are not looking to be educated about wine, but are interested in little nuggets of information or a "dinner party one liner" about the wines they have bought, according to Laithwaite's global wine consultant Justin Howard-Sneyd MW.
Read more...Wine bloggers and communicators need to raise their game and become more professional or risk becoming "dinosaurs" and out of touch not only with the wine trade but with the consumers they are trying to talk to.
Read more...To create something genuinely different in any market you need to try and satisfy an "unmet need" that "makes people's lives better" in that sector, according to Greg Lambrecht, founder and inventor of the Coravin wine preservation system.
Read more...Jancis Robinson MW leads an international line up of leading wine figures that have descended on Montreux, on the bank of Lake Geneva, for this year's Digital Wine Communications Conference.