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Red flags for fine wine, says Liv-ex

Published:  08 December, 2022

Fine Wine provided stability amid an increasingly uncertain economic outlook in 2022, a new report from Liv-ex has revealed. However, as renewed investment and speculation pushed prices, analysts have been left wondering whether the ‘Covid era boom’ has run its course.


Investing for Future: Short-term cost-cutting could have long-term impact

Published:  10 September, 2020

A unique set of circumstances created by the coronavirus epidemic has made investment more vital than ever for business, as consumers become ‘hyper aware’ of the activity of brands in times of crisis.


Desperate times for bars and restaurants facing “short-term cashflow catastrophe” as footfall plummets 50%

Published:  16 March, 2020

Pressure is being piled on chancellor Rishi Sunak to introduce emergency measures to stem the knock on effect of coronavirus (Covid-19) as footfall to UK businesses fell by almost 50% over the weekend.