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Aldi on verge of overtaking Waitrose as sales jump a further 32%

Published:  30 July, 2014


The seemingly never-ending rise of the discounters continues with news today that Aldi is on the verge of overtaking Waitrose with nearly 5% share of the UK grocery retail market.

Aldi jumps to nearly 5% market shareAldi jmps to nearly 5% market shareKantar Worldpanel figures show Aldi and Lidl continue to be the two big winners

The seemingly never-ending rise of the discounters continues with news today that Aldi is on the verge of overtaking Waitrose with nearly 5% share of the UK grocery retail market.

Figures released today from Kantar Worldpanel show that for the 12 weeks ending July 20, Aldi recorded a 32% growth rate, taking its market share to 4.8%, up from 3.7%.

This was fractionally behind Waitrose's 4.9% share, which enjoyed a reasonable 3.4% growth in sales taking its own market share up by 0.1% over the 12-week period.

Lidl, Aldi's closest discount rival, also enjoyed strong sales growth over the same period with sales up nearly 20% maintaining its record share of 3.6%.

It was not such a good period for Tesco and Morrisons. They again saw sales drop with Tesco's overall market share slipping below the 30% mark, down to 28.9% from 30.3% 12 weeks ago.

Morrisons slipped back by 0.5% taking its market share to 11% against 11.5%.

There was better news for other two big four retailers with both Asda and Sainsbury's maintaining their market shares of 17.0% and 16.6% respectively.

Iceland posted a small drop in sales, its first since 2005, but retained its 2.0% share.

Kantar also reports that grocery price inflation is at its lowest level, 0.4%, since October 2006 as a result of continued price discounting on key staple goods like vegetables, milk and bread. Market growth has subsequently fallen to 0.9%, the lowest figure for 10 years.
