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WineTutor TV reaches 90% of the world's MW students

Published:  08 August, 2016

An innovative video learning platform for MW hopefuls has reached a global audience since being launched by Tim Wildman MW.

WineTutor TV is an online resource for students studying for the Master of Wine (MW) qualification as well as other higher level wine examinations such as Master Sommelier (MS) and WSET Diploma.

It was established in 2015 by Tim Wildman MW, director of James Busby Travel and Vineyard Safaris in Australia, and videomaker Johnny Mindlin, with a view to providing short video tutorials that help students in their self-study programs.

Since its launch in September last year, the company reports receiving almost 1,500 registered viewers from across the world - including over 90% of the world's MW student population.

Wildman said that despite the content being "super geeky" they have tried to keep the tone as fun and approachable as possible.

"Just because the content is serious it doesn't give you an excuse to be boring. Viewers want to be educated and entertained," he said.

"As an example, for the film called The Art of the Introduction we shot on Berwick Street in Soho, which is on the cover of Oasis's What's The Story album. The video opens with a single unbroken tracking shot that refers to Javier Bardem's entrance in Skyfall. And we did it in one take. So we try to add in cultural references as well as some wine trade in-jokes. We have a lot of fun making the films, and we hope this comes across to the viewer."

The website has two main sections - exam technique and syllabus.

A third regional reports section has also recently been added, which features documentary-length films that explore the world's wine regions in MW-appropriate detail.

The content is free to view and accessible by anyone who registers on the website.

New videos are posted on a regular basis, with the aim over the next two years of building up to a total of 150 films covering all the topics of the MW syllabus.

The business model is based on partnering with companies who sponsor the pre-roll film slot, and the team is currently looking for businesses to help them communicate to their growing audience.
