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Sicilian producer Planeta focuses on the entire customer experience as business expands

Published:  11 July, 2016

Sicilian and family-owned producer Planeta is expanding the business with investments focusing on enhancing the entire customer experience and diversifying the business as it expands across the island.

The company has six different estates across the island: Ulmo Winery, Dispensa Winery, Dorilli Winery, Buonivini Winery, Feudo di Mezzo Winery and the La Baronia.

By focusing on the hospitality aspect of the business there is an opportunity to tap into the already exsiting tourism economy.

"Every place has a hospitality area nearby. We are close to the most beautiful towns and cities. All that helps to bring in tourism. We will be expanding," said Francesca Planeta, who helps run the business with other family members.

Francesca PlanetaFrancesca Planeta

Planeta wants to bring visitors to the different estates and offer them unique experiences. "We have a boutique hotel.  We will be friends of Sicily so you can live the whole Planeta world," said Planeta.  The hotel, which has 14 rooms, is located in Menfi, overlooking hectares of vineyards and olive groves. It also has a restaurant on site as well that is open to the public.

By offering visitors a more comprehensive experience which includes food and entertainment at different sites Planeta is hoping to pull in more tourists as well. All site offer tours, with many offering lunch or picnics and some offering enertainment as well.

"The food of Sicily is different as are the wines. We do events in the summer. At the winery located in Etna we have a natural amieptheater where we are now hosting musicians and artists throughout the summer," said Planeta.

With wineries across the island there is a Planeta estate is not too far from where visitors may be. It was a conscious decision that the company have a winery in each wine producing region, which has helped each estate to be more integrated with the local community.

"You become part of the area totally. You get better relations in the area.  We need that to learn the traditions from locals, and they need us because we help to bring in new technologies," explained Planeta.

But it has also been great for the wines as well. She said: "We have wineries in each regions because you can move the grapes straight into the winery.  But the other reason is you become part of the appellation. You can then identify with the area, which is important for the wines. Once you are in the area you can be part of the consortium as well.  It is important."
