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Winebars hit the road to educate consumers

Published:  14 September, 2010

Mobile winebars will take to the roads in the run-up to Christmas, in a bid to educate consumers about wine.

A new campaign, Get Wine Wise, will deploy two mobile winebars to the 25 largest branches of Tesco and Sainsbury's around the country from mid-November, providing 50 dates in all.

The bars will offer tastings from a selection of wines from Australia, USA, France, Italy, South Africa, Chile, Spain, New Zealand, Germany and Argentina.

Brian George, GWW director, said: "This is not Master of Wine stuff but aims to provide consumers with a basic knowledge so they can make informed choices."

He said many consumers were intimidated by the array of wines on offer in supermarkets, and were prone to choosing wines based on price alone.

GWW is seeking sponsorship from big brands from each country listed, and will supply two varietals for sampling from each one. The roadshows will also be supported by national and regional media.

The events are free for consumers who will be invited to try wines from up to five different countries. A member of the GWW team will also be on hand for an in-store wine visit to help customers track down the wines they like on the shelves.

GWW claims the campaign will reach around 1.5 million consumers before Christmas and directly engage with around 500,000.

The campaign is set to run again for Summer 2011, by which time it will have three mobile winebars on the road.

SB Activate, the firm behind the campaign, also runs the barbecue roadshow Gastro Alfresco, which is now in its 14th year.
