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Mount Gay to sponsor Cowes

Published:  29 June, 2010

First Drinks, has confirmed that Mount Gay Rum will sponsor Cowes Week 2010.

The popular sailing event which runs from July 31 - August 7, will see Mount Gay Rum host the renowned Red Cap Party and carry out sampling activity in addition to supporting key on-trade outlets with POS and promotional materials to drive awareness and visibility.

Senior brand manager, Kathy Roe, said: "This year will see our biggest-ever UK marketing spend on Mount Gay in the UK, which has enabled us to really increase our support of Cowes Week. Mount Gay Rum has forged a strong presence within the global sailing community over the last three centuries and Cowes Week offers us a great opportunity to build on this. Through sampling activity and events throughout the week, we'll be able to reach many of our core target consumers and equally importantly, introduce Mount Gay Rum to new drinkers."

The race, attracts over 100,000 visitors and sees thousands of amateur sailors, alongside world champions and Olympic medallists, take to the water for the race.

For more information on Mount Gay Rum, go to
