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English sparkling wine had its best summer yet, says Vivino

Published:  22 September, 2016

English sparkling wine hit an all time high in the UK this summer, according to wine app, Vivino.

Data collected from the app shows the category is continuing to grow rapidly among Brits and is taking from Champagne's share of the sparkling category.

Although Champagne still accounted for 51.57% of total sparkling consumption in the UK in August 2016, this was a fall from 55.12% in August 2015.

According to data taken from label scans inside the app, year-on-year, English sparkling wine is growing.

This summer in the UK, English fizz was up 32.4% in June compared to June 2015, up 17.% in July and 17.5% in August.

With Vivino, users can scan wine labels and wine lists with their mobiles and receive ratings, reviews and average pricing.

The data captured means Vivino can measure the level of interest people are showing in a category.

A spokesperson for Vivino said the upward trend is likely to continue.

"With the first shipment of English sparkling wine arriving in the USA in August and the category beating Champagne in a blind taste test in Paris earlier this year, this trend is likely to continue in other countries as well."

The top rated English sparkling wines in the UK on Vivino (June to August 2016)

1. Camel Valley Superior Quality Premium Reserve - 4.28/5

2. Nyetimber Tillington Single - 4.28/5

3. Nyetimber Traditional Method Blanc De Blancs Brut - 4.21/5

4. Herbert Hall Traditional Method Brut - 4.21/5

5. The Chapel Down Winery Vintage Reserve Brut Rose - 4.16/5

6. Digby Fine English Reserve Brut - 4.14/5

7. Gusbourne English sparkling Reserve Brut - 4.12/5

8. Nyetimber Brut Classic Cuve Blend - 4.12/5

9. Nyetimber Classic Cuve Brut - 4.1/5

10. Nyetimber Blanc de Blancs - 4.07/5
