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‘Wine online’ searches up by over 1000%

Published:  28 May, 2020

‘Order wine online’ has become the newest buzz word for housebound UK consumers looking to get their fix during lockdown.


Sparkling dominates online wine searches

Published:  30 March, 2020

Nearly half of all wine-related online searches in the UK are for sparkling wine, according to new research from Italian wine specialists Independent Wine.


Google searches for Dry January up 35% on last year as Gen Z knuckles down with no and low

Published:  31 January, 2019

Low and no alcohol serves can no longer be seen as “the poor cousin at the back of the bar” a number of industry experts agreed when faced with the question of what to do about the most teetotal generation in living memory.


Talking about the future: The Alexa effect

Published:  30 April, 2018

With intelligent personal assistants helping consumer engagement to become increasingly human and conversational, Jo Gilbert asks what’s in store for wines and spirits