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Alsace growers see promise of greatness in 2015 vintage

Published:  29 October, 2015

The Alsace harvest looks set to be high-quality, despite slightly lower yields, according to early reports.

The harvests were unusually early. Crémant d'Alsace was gathered on September 2; Alsace and Alsace Grands Crus on September 7.

Given the quality of the grapes, many producers have already made plans for Vendanges Tardives and Sélections de Grains Nobles wines.

The grapes for these were harvested on September 21.

The first Crémant wines have already finished fermenting. They are reported to be particularly clean and elegant.

Winegrowers are very happy with the expression of all the varietals, with Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris likely to prove outstanding.

Conditions this year were close to perfect.

A mild winter and a wet spring were followed by exceptional heat through June and July, with temperatures climbing above 40ºC.

The drought may have contributed to a lower yield in some terroirs.

However, August rain was perfectly timed to accelerate the final maturation of the grapes.

Last years concerns over the Drosophila suzukii fly were not repeated.

Acidities are on the whole lower than is typical in this year's crop. The malic acid has been knocked back by the summer heat, although the concentrations of tartaric acid are high.

The 2015 harvest is predicted to be around one million hectoliters. It is the third year in a row Alsace has seen low yields.

The reports from Alsace are in line with news from other harvests around the world.

From the Rhône and Bordeaux to Spain and California, winegrowers across the northern hemisphere are expecting the 2015 vintage to be exceptional.
