Five of the UK's top wine critics have launched an online publication for consumers called the Wine Gang, designed to "sniff out" the best wines on offer in the UK.
Five of the UK's top wine critics have launched an online publication for consumers called the Wine Gang, designed to "sniff out" the best wines on offer in the UK.
Olly Smith of BBC1's 'Saturday Kitchen', Tom Cannavan of, Anthony Rose of The Independent, Joanna Simon of The Sunday Times and Tim Atkin MW of The Observer will compile between them a comprehensive monthly report, featuring at least 200 "no-nonsense" tasting notes covering both good and bad wines. Each wine is ranked on a 100-point scale.
Each month the 'gang' will also categorise select wines into group of fives, including the five greatest, five best value, and five shockers of the month.
A free trial membership is available until October 31, after which annual membership will cost £19.99. To subscribe go to