A new president and governing board has been elected for the Consorzio of Soave at a time of “major change” for the denomination.
Sandro Gini, enologist and pioneer of organic in the region, has been appointed president of the organisation, which represents almost 3,000 estates spread over 7,000 hectares in the Veneto region of north eastern Italy, encompassing the Soave DOC and DOCG appellations.
A notable act of the new board would be the implementation of a recently passed motion that all Soave must be bottled within the region of production, said Gini.
“Our drive to renew the Soave denomination is inspired by our knowledge of and belief in its quality potential. I want to involve the whole supply chain, from the winegrower to the winemaker, in a dynamic and constructive way, through a continuous dialogue, to reaffirm Soave as one the great white wines of the world for breadth of styles and ageing capacity,” he said.
On the back of several key initiatives agreed by the board in recent years to secure Soave’s denomination’s quality and reputation, there had been a renewed interest in the region from influential markets such as the UK, US and Japan in which it would be redefining and developing its communications programs, added Gini.
Noted for both technical experience and senior business leadership, other new members of the board, which is re-elected every three years, include Maria Patrizia Niero of family producer, Corte Moschina, who was elected co-vice president and Matteo Inama, MD of Inama, who is noteworthy for his experience in building global exports in premium retail and prestige Horeca sectors.
The new board was notable for its diversity, and high proportion of new members coming together to play an active role in the Consorzio, said Gini.
The members of Consorzio of Soave, which comprises 2,500 grower and 80 wineries, produce more than 50 million bottles per year of which 80% is exported.
In February last year, Consorzio of Soave revealed new trade and consumer campaign in a bid to boost its fortunes in the UK.