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The week that was: top news, Q&As and opinion on

Published:  28 October, 2016

In case you missed some of the headlines this week on, we have put together a review of the top online news, Q&As, and opinion stories.

Most Read: The IWC launched its first Spanish Merchant Awards in Spain, celebrating the country's contribution to the industry. Data from the OIV, showed that in 2016 wine production hit a 20-year low, - although wine consumption is on the rise.

And as Brexit and the devaluation of the pound continues to take its toll on the price of alcohol, this week the WSTA revealed how gin and spirits are likely to take a hit.

Launches and openings: Although the temperature is dropping and the trade is beginning to feel the Brexit bite, there was a lot of positive news this week, from Barullo spicing things up in the Argentinean category to new a new Sake brewery and Kent winery both taking big steps forwards.

Analysis and Insights: Heavy rain followed by periods of intense heat has made for a tricky year in Bordeaux. Meanwhile, the Co-op revealed its plans to re-structure its European buying structure.

People and Opinion:

Jerry Lockspeiser ruminated on what it might take to revolutionise the wine trade in his piece which asked Does wine need its Uber?.

And Harpers caught up with Rosie Finn of Neudorf Vineyards on what it's like to grow up on a vineyard and her thoughts on the modern world of winemaking.
